Simona Kossak, daughter of the painter Jerzy Kossak and granddaughter of Wojciech, deprived of the talent that has defined her family for generations, grows up without knowing the warmth of her despotic mother. When, after graduation, she leaves everything – home, tradition, social conventions – and takes up a job as a scientist in Białowieża, she starts life on her own terms. He settles in the middle of the forest, in a house without electricity or running water, surrounded by wild nature. In this magical wilderness, she meets photographer Lech Wilczek, with whom she shares passion, love for nature and… the need for freedom. Their extraordinary relationship defies all patterns. However, Simona’s ideas about the work of a naturalist and the position of a young woman in a world dominated by men are painfully verified. He must defend not only his ideals, but also the world of plants and animals.

About movie

  • Written and directed by
    Adrian Panek
  • Cinematography by
    Jakub Stolecki
  • Editing
    Piotr Kmiecik
  • Music
    Bartosz Chajdecki
  • Produced by
    Magdalena Kamińska, Agata Szymańska / Balapolis
  • Co-produced by
    Wytwórnia Filmów Dokumentalnych i Fabularnych, Mazowiecki Instytut Kultury, Krakowskie Biuro Festiwalowe, Hollman Emea Limited
  • The Film is co-financed by
    Polish Film Institute
  • Production
  • Distribution
    Next Film
  • Production year